16-18 September 2020
Europe/Istanbul timezone
The purpose of the Kick-off Meeting is to stimulate discussions between the project managers and project members from both countries in luminometer geometry, design, simulations and physics.

Contribution List

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Suat Ozkorucuklu (Istanbul University)
16/09/2020, 10:00
Suat Ozkorucuklu (Istanbul University)
16/09/2020, 10:10
Elena Popova (MEPhi), Elena Popova (MePhi)
16/09/2020, 10:30
Stepan Obraztsov (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))
16/09/2020, 10:50
Alexandre Kaminsky (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))
16/09/2020, 11:10
Deniz Sunar Cerci (Adiyaman -Istanbul University)
16/09/2020, 11:30
Daria Selivanova (MEPhi)
16/09/2020, 11:50
17/09/2020, 16:00
17/09/2020, 17:00
Orhan Aydilek (Istanbul University (TR))
18/09/2020, 10:00
Daria Selivanova (MEPhi (RU))
18/09/2020, 11:00